The Successful Executive Series
A series of six programs
1. Choose where to be and be there – The executive can set the tone for the organization. If the executive is confused the organization pays the price. This program discusses ways to set the tone.
2. You will hit where you are aiming – There is a direct and positive relationship between being effective and being focused. Learn the secrets of focusing on what you want to hit.
3. Fix each problem only once – Fixing problems is relatively easy. Preventing them from returning requires significant skill. This program discusses problem eradication techniques.
4. Do what you do best, delegate the rest – The surest path to failure is to pretend to be an expert in all things. This program discusses the use of subordinates and effective delegation techniques.
5. Growth is never an accident – Sustained growth always begins with a well conceived strategic plan. This program takes an in-depth look at the other four components of growth.
6. Take good people, make them great and treat them well – Learn how to grow good people in-house then leave them alone and never lose sight of what is important to them. This program discusses how this is done.